Shall We Pronounce Chivalry Dead?

-By S.P

Every girl dreams of that singular, perfect moment in the relationship when you realize he is ‘the one’. The rain is pouring down around you. Instinctively, he rips his jacket off, bare-chested and ready to brave the danger. Shrouding you in his protective warmth, he takes your hand, leading you to safety. That, ladies and gentlemen, is chivalry. A dying art amongst men in the 21st century. Let’s talk about the death of valiant gentlemen - and possibly, our hand in it?

Did we bring it upon ourselves?

The simple man’s argument against chivalry is: Women want their independence - and we do. But does this mean we don’t want someone holding the door open for us? There’s a fine line between wanting an equal paycheck and seeking mere common courtesy. Yes, we have separated ourselves from the ‘damsel in distress’ narrative. But, this does not negate the need for gentlemen in our society. 

Nonchalant Culture:

Today’s dating landscape has thrown labels and commitment to the wind. Mild disinterest is the newest way to a woman’s heart. Translation: leave them wanting more. Subsequently, we see the death of chivalry and the rise of nonchalance. Men seem to fear the long game, and causally, effort has seeped out of their interactions over the years. Honestly, this just makes it harder to take them seriously, but alas, men are simple and easily confused creatures. 

What Women Want:

It’s true - a woman can do anything a man can do (and probably better). But should we have to? Women are the fairer sex, after all. Earnestly speaking, we appreciate a gentleman who chooses to help in times of need. The problem comes in when they expect compensation. If you’re giving to gain, we’d rather do it ourselves. Also, if you see us handling our sh*t, don’t intervene!

The Revival of Chivalry:

In the age of female empowerment, chivalry requires some serious adjusting. We don’t want to be seen as sex objects or attention-seekers. We are simply human beings who require some assistance. Exercise the correct amount of politeness and generosity as you would to any gender. If we deny your help because we’re busy being independent - do not be offended. We fought for that right. Being chivalrous doesn’t mean you’re owed anything at all. It simply means you have good values, and that’s what’ll most likely catch our attention


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