Intention-setting: The vibe for 2025:

-By S.P 

Setting resolutions is too daunting a start to the shiny new year that lies before us. Perhaps setting intentions is the way to go? I’ve put together a list of things I will be embracing in full force for 2025.  As opposed to the pressure of one angry, often unachievable goal that glares down at you until the inevitable ‘maybe next year’. This list will give you a starting point for the vibe you want to set in 2025.

1. Romanticizing life:

Appreciate the nuances of your daily routine. Enjoy each aromatic flavor that comes with a sip of coffee. Make your commutes leisurely strolls. Basically, live your life as if you were a Disney princess - even if it's Cinderella! Leading a novel-esque life introduces joy amongst the mundanity, making you that much more grateful that you’re here today, doing whatever. 

2. Organization:

I don’t know if it’s just me getting older, but I’m starting to find organization increasingly sexy. A woman who has her sh*t together, purposefully going about her day? Yes, please! Use your planners, establish routines, set out tasks, and complete them. Introduce organization from the ground up, beginning with your surroundings, i.e., keeping your room tidy. This way, incorporating it into the rest of your life will seem less intimidating. 

3. Financial stability:

This is the year of meaningful spending, quality over quantity, and good credit scores. Say goodbye to impulsivity and overspending. Being in control of your finances not only makes you feel like you’re doing the whole ‘adulting’ thing correctly but also ensures you have a safety net for the future. My advice - budgeting works best. Carve out finances for your household, downtime, future incentives, and an impending rainy day! 

4. Saying no:

If you feel like something that’s asked of you doesn’t align with how you view your life - use that perfect little two-letter word. Simply sharing a birth year/work environment with someone does not mean you’re in the same stage of life. If your friends want to go out and you feel like that’s not really your scene - don’t put yourself through the pain. Overcommitting will burn you out faster than a discount candle and set you back on your growth journey.  

5. Consuming information:

Being out of the loop can make you feel very out of your depth in social circles. Having a large knowledge base to draw from means you can always keep a conversation going. This is a great one for my fellow introverts out there! Consuming information is not only limited to what’s around you. Reading literature on literally anything will leave you more knowledgeable than you were before. Whether it's a self-help guide or a steamy romance, settle down and immerse yourself in it.


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